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Mission of Skooch


The purpose of the band Skooch is rather complex, as it means something different to everyone in the band.  There are some common things that are shared between all of us.  First of all, everyone involved in Skooch is a Christian.  We place our faith and trust in God that this band will be of His will.  We give thanks for what has happened already and pray that we will not loose our focus in the future.  Contrary to popular beliefs, being a Christian does not mean you cannot have fun.  So Skooch makes having fun another one of our purposes.  On or off the stage, we like to share in fellowship.  Whether the band is snowboarding or talking to people at a show, the fellowship strengthens our bonds with others.  In fellowship with others, we can share our experiences and express our thoughts.  Skooch's songs are about topics that are important to us.  They range from the relationship we have with God to that of a relationship with close friends.  So if we can witness to others and in return, be witnessed to as well, we all can grow spiritually.  That is the final purpose of the band.  We want to grow and strengthen our relationship with the Lord.

Praise God, Have Fun, Fellowship and Grow Spiritually.  That is what Skooch hopes to accomplish as a band.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


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Copyright © 1999 Redeemed Productions
Last modified: March 22, 1999